

爲避免吸排液閥過早失效,設計(jì)在閥球的結構(gòu)和材料上(shàng)進行改進, 加藥泵 使閥的有效過流(liú)面積盡可能的大,保證(zhèng)其具有合适的導向間隙,能獲得良好的導向對中性,有足(zú)夠的壽命(mìng),并易于維(wéi)修。密封閥座(zuò)由唇形(xíng)接觸改爲矩形密封(fēng)套,材質采用聚氨脂,邵氏(shì)硬度爲60-65。在閥球(qiú)導向結構上(shàng)采用對(duì)稱(chēng)的4條三角形(xíng)鑲(xiāng)嵌式導向筋,使閥球側隙始終保持穩定,閥球沿(yán)軸線平穩地上(shàng)下運動(dòng),同(tóng)時(shí)減少其(qí)與閥球的接觸面積,減少磨損。在結構方(fāng)面,爲保證閥球在使(shǐ)用中具有穩定的跳高(gāo)尺寸(cùn),除(chú)提高密封閥座的耐磨性、減少(shǎo)磨損外,在閥球跳起的上端增加緩沖橡膠墊(niàn),以消除閥球向上跳起時的(de)沖擊力對限高支架的磨(mó)損(sǔn)。在吸排液閥的整體(tǐ)結構方面,采用了組合式結構,由閥底座、單向閥、壓闆及壓緊螺栓組成,使其(qí)在使用中可方(fāng)便拆卸、安裝、檢查及更換閥體各部(bù)件,避免了(le)直連(lián)式結構中拆卸造成泵頭連接螺紋的損(sǔn)傷。改(gǎi)進後的 加藥泵(bèng) 吸排液閥具有設計合理(lǐ)的(de)泵閥結構和制作材(cái)料,保證了在使用周期(qī)内不更換易損件(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
In order to avoid the premature failure of suction and discharge valve, ball valve design in structure and materials were improved, dosing pump valve effective flow area as large as possible, ensuring an appropriate orientation space, can obtain the good guidance to the neutral, have long service life, and easy to repair. Sealing valve seat by a lip contact is changed into a rectangular sealing sleeve, is made of polyurethane, Shaw hardness 60-65. The valve ball guide structure with symmetric 4 triangles inlaid rib guide, so that the ball valve backlash has remained stable, the valve ball along the axis of smooth moves up and down, while reducing with the valve ball contact area, reducing wear. In terms of structure, in order to ensure the ball valve in use with a stable high jump size, in addition to improve the sealing valve seat wear resistance, reduce wear, the valve ball to upper increased buffering rubber pad, to remove the valve ball up when the impact force on the high limit bracket wear. In the suction and discharge valve structure, adopts a combined structure, composed of a valve base, a one-way valve, pressure plate and the clamping bolt component, which can be conveniently disassembled, installation, inspection and replacement body parts, to avoid the type of detaching the resulting pump head connecting screw thread damage. The improved dosing pump suction valve has the advantages of reasonable design of the valve structure and production of materials, ensure that the use of periods with no replacement of wearing parts.