
不鏽鋼離心泵是廣泛應用于(yú)化工工業系統的一種通用流體機械。 不鏽鋼離心泵 具有性能适應範(fàn)圍廣、體積小、結構簡單、操作容易、操作(zuò)費用低等諸多優點。通常,所(suǒ)選離心泵的流量、壓頭可能(néng)會和管路中要求的不一(yī)緻,或由于生産任務、工藝(yì)要求發生變化,此時都要求對泵進行流量調節,實(shí)質是改變離心泵的工作(zuò)點。離心泵的工作點是由(yóu)泵的特性(xìng)曲線和(hé)管路系統特性曲線共同決定的,因此(cǐ),改變任何一個的特(tè)性曲線都可以達到流量調節的目的。目前,離心泵(bèng)的流量調節方式主要(yào)有調節閥控制、變速控制以及泵的并、串聯調節(jiē)等。由于各種調節方式的原(yuán)理不同,除有自己的優缺點外,造成的能量損(sǔn)耗也不(bú)一樣,爲了尋求佳、能耗小(xiǎo)、節能(néng)的流量調節方式,必(bì)須全面地了解 不鏽鋼離心泵 的流量調節方(fāng)式與能耗之間的關系(圖(tú)\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
Stainless steel centrifugal pump is widely used in the chemical industry system one kind of fluid machinery. Stainless steel centrifugal pump has to adapt to a wide range of performance, small volume, simple structure, easy operation, low operation cost etc.. Usually, the centrifugal pump flow, pressure head may be in the pipeline and the inconsistent, or because the production task, process requirements change, this time is required to pump flow regulation, essence is to change the operating point of centrifugal pump. Centrifugal pump working point is determined by the characteristic curve of pump and system characteristic to decide jointly, therefore, any change in a characteristic curve can achieve the purpose of regulating the flow rate. At present, flow control of a centrifugal pump are the main method of regulating valve control, speed control and pump, etc. and regulation of series. Due to the variety of regulation the principle is different, in addition to have their own advantages and disadvantages, resulting in energy loss is not the same, in order to seek the best, the minimum energy consumption, the energy flow rate regulation, must fully understand the stainless steel centrifugal pump flow adjustment and energy consumption of the relationship between.

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